As experience family doctors, we examine, treat and advise you according to your needs.
- GP medical care
- Check-ups
- Audiometry
- Tympanometry
- 24-hour blood pressure measuring service
- Internal medicine and orthopedic examinations
- Follow-up treatments after illnesses, OP
- Vaccinations – travel medicine
- Assessment of fitness to drive
- Minor surgery, wound care
- Resting and exercise electrocardiogram
- Pulmonary function test (spirometry)
- Digital x-rays
- In-house laboratory
Die Endokrinologie ist das medizinische Fachgebiet, das sich mit Hormonen, ihren Auswirkungen auf die Körperfunktionen und den damit verbundenen Krankheiten beschäftigt. Diabetes wird auch von einem Endokrinologen-Diabetologen behandelt.
Wir behandeln und beraten Sie ganz nach Ihren Bedürfnissen. Hauptsächlich betroffene Krankheitsbilder:
- Diabetes Typ-1 und Typ-2: Neue Technologien zur kontinuierlichen Blutzuckermessung: Blutzucker-Holo-Meter, subkutane Insulinpumpe
- Komplikationen bei Diabetes: Kardiovaskuläre Schäden, ophthalmologische Schäden, diabetischer Fuss
- Schwangerschaftsdiabetes: Überwachung der Schwangerschaft
- Schilddrüsenerkrankungen: Hypothyreose, Hyperthyreose, Thyreoiditis
- Knoten der Schilddrüse: Ultraschallüberwachung - Punktion
- Nebennieren- und Hypophysenerkrankungen
- Sexualhormone: Fruchtbarkeits- oder Sterilitätsprobleme, Wechseljahrsbeschwerden, Keimdrüseninsuffizienz
- Nebenschilddrüsen
- Osteoporose
- Lipide
- Adipositas und Ernährung: medikamentöse Behandlung von Adipositas
- Metabolische Störungen
Die Gynäkologie oder auch Frauenheilkunde befasst sich mit der Entstehung und Behandlung von Erkrankungen des weiblichen Genitaltrakts. Dabei spielen auch Vorsorgemassnahmen eine wichtige Rolle, sei es die Krebsvorsorge oder auch die passende Verhütung von aktuell nicht erwünschten Schwangerschaften. Des Weiteren kann ein unerfüllter Kinderwunsch ein Grund für eine Konsultation sein. Die Geburtshilfe befasst sich mit der Begleitung und Überwachung von Schwangerschaften.
Unsere Gynäkologin spricht folgende Sprachen: Französisch, Englisch, Italienisch und Russisch
Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) is a branch within medicine that focuses on diseases and dysfunctions of the ears, upper airways, oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, lower airways and oesophagus. This also includes malformations, changes in shape, injuries and tumours as well as functional disorders of the sensory organs and voice, speech and language disorders.
In a wider context, ENT medicine covers the entire head and neck area. There are overlaps with many other areas of medicine (neurology, neurosurgery, maxillofacial surgery, ophthalmology, orthopaedics, pulmonary medicine and dermatology). ENT medicine is therefore a very multifaceted field in medicine. The therapeutic strategies in ENT are also multifaceted. The vast majority of diseases are treated in the ENT specialist's practice.
When surgical therapies are performed, they are often delicate microsurgical procedures on the nose, paranasal sinuses, eardrum/middle ear and larynx (sometimes also at the base of the skull). Plastic (shape-changing) and aesthetic procedures are also performed in ENT medicine. Because of the close relationships with nerves, vessels and sensory organs, the interventions are very carefully indicated and planned.
The special feature of ENT medicine is that all age groups are treated, i.e. not only adults, but also adolescents, small children (e.g. for hearing tests, pharyngeal and palatal tonsils) and infants (e.g. newborn hearing tests in the first days of life)."
Cardiology deals with diseases of the heart and their consequential risk factors. This includes, among other things, hypertension, heart valve defects, circulatory disorders of the heart (coronary heat disease), heart failure, various forms of diseases of the heart muscle (cardiomyopathy) and numerous other diseases.
Oncology is the medical specialty dedicated to the diagnosis, follow-up and treatment of cancer patients. Our medical oncologists have in-depth knowledge of the mechanisms of cancer and the mode of action of the medications used to treat them, as well as the possible complications related to these treatments.
Orthopedic surgery and Sports traumatology specialize in the treatment and detection of diseases and injuries to the musculoskeletal system.
Because we are living longer, our musculoskeletal system is placed under increased stress and strain (e.g. At work, during our recreational activities and in sport) and there is a clear rise in injuries and degenerative processes as a result.
The use of innovative medical technology provides for an improved assessment and treatment of these kinds of problems, which naturally also helps towards a faster healing process.
Services for orthopedics and traumatology of the musculoskeletal system:
- Assessment and treatment of sports and joint injuries
- Surgery on shoulder, elbow, hip, knee and ankle joints
- Performance diagnostics according to Swiss Olympic standards
- Sports medicine examinations
- Arthroscopic surgery
- Reconstructive, open shoulder surgery
- Meniscus and cruciate ligament surgery
- Arthroscopic and open knee surgery
Do you want to modify your diet, increase your performance or become slimmer? Would you like to reach your ideal weight?
We advise individuals who want a healthier diet, adapt their diet to their current situation, (e.g. pregnant women, parents and their children, professionals, postmenopausal women, senior citizens, etc.) or amateur and performance athletes who want to optimally support their athletic ambitions with the right nutrition. We are also the right choice for diabetics (type 1 and type 2), individuals with inflammatory rheumatic disorders, celiac disease or lactose intolerance.
We believe it is important to be hands-on. In addition to the individual consultation, we also support you on site. You will find a more detailed description of this offer here:
- Shopping coaching
- Restaurant coaching
- Take-away food coaching
With certain indicative signs, such as being overweight, with a BMI of over 30 plus secondary diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and malnutrition, the cost for the consultation can be covered by your health insurance. You must, however, present a doctor’s prescription to qualify.

Karin Anderegg
Head of Medical Center
General Internal Medicine FMH

Ioan Ciubotariu
General Internal Medicine FMH
French, English, Romanian

Sofia Dalkou
General Internal Medicine FMH
French, English, Greek, Romanian

Francis Michel Eberhard
General practitioner

Robin Chenal
General Internal Medicine
French, Spanish

Anna Mikulich
Gynaecology and obstetrics FMH
French, English, Italian, Russian

Mirdita Gaxherri-Avdiu
French, English, Albanian

Hassen Hassani
Orthopaedic surgery and traumatology of the locomotor apparatus FMH
French, English, Arabic
Georgios Papadakis
Specialist in endocrinology and diabetology
French, English, German (Switzerland), Greek

Georgios Kastanidis
General practitioner FMH
French, English, Greek

Pedro Saraiva Teiga
French, English, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish

Faruk Avdiu
General Internal Medicine FMH
French, Albanian, English

Federica Martelli
General practitioner
French, Italian

Alexandre Simonin

Aude Ansermoz

New offer: Filipino fighting arts
Filipino fighting arts encompass modern and effective self-defense methods, martial arts, and a fitness program individually tailored to you. The workout enables you to improve your stamina, mobility, speed, and stability.
Permanence now called Medbase Permanence Zurich main station
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Medbase, Hirslanden, Groupe Mutuel, Helsana, and SWICA launch a joint healthcare ecosystem
Medbase, Hirslanden, Groupe Mutuel, Helsana, and SWICA have come together to found a company dedicated to developing a digital healthcare ecosystem. The objective of this joint venture called Compassana is to optimise the way medical care is coordinated to improve treatment quality and process efficiency. The centrepiece of this new ecosystem is a simple, user-friendly portal, where customers can coordinate all their healthcare services.