Family medicine, internal medicine, orthopaedics and sports medicine.
We are an interdisciplinary team with a wide range of medical and therapeutic services.
Our medical spectrum includes family medicine, orthopaedics and sports medicine. A wide range of physiotherapy and performance diagnostics round off the range of treatments.
Our practice is Swiss Olympic certified for sports medicine.
Whether young or old, sporty or not, with us you are in competent hands.
As experienced experts in sports traumatology and sports medicine problems, we examine, treat or advise you according to your needs.
The health problem is discussed, evaluated and a solution is found together. In doing so, we respect your personal health concept and your decision-making autonomy.
Our offer
- Assessment and treatment of injuries and overuse of the musculoskeletal system
- Ultrasound examinations of the musculoskeletal system and digital X-rays
- Infiltration treatments of all joints
- Modern treatment methods (ACP, focused shock wave therapy)
- Sports medicine check-up
- Sports medical examination according to Swiss Olympic standards
- Sports rehabilitation
- Rehabilitation programmes after operations, accidents or illnesses
- Blood analyses
- Training advice in various sports
Medbase betreut zahlreiche Spitzensportler beim Training und rund um Wettkämpfe. Erfahren Sie mehr zu unseren Sports Medical Center unter
Swiss Olympic Medical Center
Swiss Olympic Approved
As experience family doctors, we examine, treat and advise you according to your needs.
- Family medicine
- Preventive medical check-ups
- Internistic examinations, check up examinations
- 24-hour blood pressure measurements
- Electrocardiogram at rest and under stress
- Lung function test (spirometry)
- Vaccinations and travel medicine
- Driving ability examinations
- Digital X-ray
- Own laboratory
Orthopedic surgery and Sports traumatology specialize in the treatment and detection of diseases and injuries to the musculoskeletal system.
Because we are living longer, our musculoskeletal system is placed under increased stress and strain (e.g. At work, during our recreational activities and in sport) and there is a clear rise in injuries and degenerative processes as a result.
The use of innovative medical technology provides for an improved assessment and treatment of these kinds of problems, which naturally also helps towards a faster healing process.
Services for orthopedics and traumatology of the musculoskeletal system:
- Assessment and treatment of sports and joint injuries
- Surgery on shoulder, elbow, hip, knee and ankle joints
- Performance diagnostics according to Swiss Olympic standards
- Sports medicine examinations
- Arthroscopic surgery
- Reconstructive, open shoulder surgery
- Meniscus and cruciate ligament surgery
- Arthroscopic and open knee surgery
Manual medicine works on acute back point (for example, the dreaded “lumbago”) and chronic back pain, as well as joint and muscle ailments. The muscles, tendons and joints are not directly damaged, but they do not work together in cohesion, which is why the sufferer is afflicted with pain and limits to their range and quality of movement. The pain resulting from these “functional” problems can arise quite a distance from the actual source of the problem.
The healing process begins immediately after the initial visit to the doctor and usually just a few treatment sessions are sufficient. After this, it is the individual’s own active cooperation and personal responsibility that are key. With consistent training, the patient can prevent a relapse and remain free from complaints for the long term.
Altitude-related disorders are often only caused by the problem that the situation has not been assessed sufficiently or the proper response has not been taken. Inexperienced individuals in particular, who have already suffered problems, should, as a matter of priority, deal with the problem before a stay at a high-latitude location. This way they can learn of the symptoms and discover the preventive and therapeutic options for treating this disorder.
In our consultations dealing with high altitude medicine, we cover all the relevant information as well as the symptoms, preventions and treatment of altitude-related disorders based on the data available. We will likewise discuss tips on how to prepare in advance, how to acclimatize, possible safety measures and any individual questions you may have, etc. Further examinations may be conducted if deemed necessary.
The recording of the resting ECG allows an initial assessment of cardiac performance. By measuring the electrical innervation of the heart muscle, rhythm or excitation disorders can be detected.
Beim Belastungs-EKG auf dem Fahrrad- oder Laufbandergometer werden die Leistungsfähigkeit des Herzens sowie mögliche Veränderungen des Herzkreislaufsystems erfasst. Die Belastung wird entweder stufenweise oder kontinuierlich bis zur Maximalleistung gesteigert. Die Messung erlaubt Rückschlüsse über Blutdruck- und Pulsverhalten und dient als wichtige Diagnostik von Durchblutungsstörungen des Herzens sowie belastungsabhängigen Herzrhythmusstörungen.
Beim 24h-BD wird der Blutdruck ähnlich wie beim 24h-EKG über einen längeren Zeitraum aufgezeichnet, in der Regel über 24h. Dabei werden in bestimmten Zeitintervallen immer wieder Messungen durchgeführt. Tagesabhängige bzw. lebensstilbedingte Unregelmässigkeiten werden erkannt.
…use your full potential…
Our performance diagnostics provides an objective assessment of your physical performance and your conditional abilities. Endurance, strength, flexibility and speed create the basis for a targeted and effective training program with individual control over the amount of loading.
We offer tests and advice in the following areas
- Endurance diagnostics, lactate level test
- Endurance diagnostics, spiroergometry (VO2max test)
- Strength diagnostics
- Weight management
- and much more
Performance tests, for example the lactate level test, are suitable for athletes of all ages and all capabilities – from beginners, those taking up a sport again, right up to the ambitious amateur or professional athletes.
Our sports physicians, physiotherapists and sports scientists will provide you with an optimum plan for achieving your personal sports goals based on your individual performance abilities.
Being of sound health and following a professionally designed training program are the key to your success!
We offer special rates to training groups, companies and clubs. Contact us!
…getting to your goal quickly…
No matter what level your involvement in sports is or how much time you have, a targeted training program will help you maximize on your requirements and guarantees long-term performance gains. Getting the right balance of exercise and rest protects you against overstraining your body and keeps you fit and healthy for your daily routine at work. The content of the training program and the extent of our advice will be tailored to suit your needs.
We use the lactate level test to determine your current endurance training threshold in order to draw up an individual and effective training program that makes the most efficient use of your time. The ergometer on a stationary bicycle or treadmill is gradually increased until the test person’s maximum level is reached. The lactate concentration in the blood can be used to measure the individual’s anaerobic metabolism. The anaerobic threshold measured in the test is used as the predicate of the individual’s endurance threshold and to determine the different areas of training and heart rate ranges. Our sports scientists and sports doctors will provide you with clear explanations on how to best organize and measure your training.
If you have Helsana PRIMEO insurance, this extra is covered by your insurance. You can find more information about this at Helsana.
If you have Helsana insurance but not Primeo supplementary insurance, you can pay for this service directly and benefit from attractive conditions. Please contact your health insurance provider and inquire about other options.
With the exception of Medbase Thun Panorama-Center Sports Medicine and Medbase Zug, all our Sports Medical Centres offer the Sports Check.
Spiroergometry offers athletes the gold standard in performance diagnostics. The extensive diagnostic tests are used to determine the performance and loading capacity of the athlete’s heart and lungs, as well as their respiratory threshold – maximum oxygen uptake. It accurately determines the individual thresholds for endurance training.
The athlete is monitored while exercising on a bicycle or treadmill ergometer until they have reached their individual maximum level. The test person’s respiratory gases are analyzed through a mask (breath analysis). The maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max/ VO2peak) is essential for measuring endurance performance. Individual areas of intensity and training are determined through so-called ventilatory thresholds. In contrast with the lactate diagnostics, the technical and equipment expenses associated with this method are much higher making it mainly suitable for ambitious and competing athletes.
(Video in German)
We offer different test procedures for endurance diagnostics. For the exact content and process, please contact the respective center.
Wir bieten verschieden Testverfahren zur Kraftdiagnostik an. Bitte informieren Sie sich beim jeweiligen Standort über den genauen Inhalt und Ablauf.
Der Rumpfkraftausdauertest nach Swiss Olympic ist ein standardisierter Krafttest der Rumpfmuskulatur. Er besteht aus drei dynamischen Kraftübungen, die mit dem eigenen Körpergewicht durchgeführt werden. Dabei wird die Kraft der vorderen, seitlichen und hinteren Muskelkette des Rumpfes getestet und beurteilt.
Defizite in der Rumpfmuskulatur haben einen negativen Einfluss auf die Leistungsfähigkeit in vielen Sportarten und sind häufig auch Ursache von muskulären Dysbalancen, sowie Überlastungen des Bewegungsapparates. Die Rumpfmuskulatur ist ein wichtiger Faktor für die Effizienz in vielen Ausdauer- und Kraftsportarten und trägt zur Körperstabilisierung und Bewegungspräzision in vielen Ball-, Spiel- und Kampfsportarten bei.
Isokinetische Krafttests
Isokinetische Kraftmessungen erfassen die Kraftleistung in Bezug zum Gelenkwinkelverlauf. Ein wichtiges Feld ist die Erkennung von muskulären Dysbalancen beispielsweise im Knie, Sprunggelenk oder der Schulter. Diese können nicht nur leistungslimitierend sein, sondern auch Ursache für Überlastungen des Bewegungsapparates. So kann bei Bedarf mit entsprechenden Trainingsmitteln gegengesteuert werden.
Zusätzlich zum Krafttesting kann Isokinetik auch beim isolierten Training eingesetzt werden, vor allem die Möglichkeit von exzentrsichen Trainingseinheiten ist für Athleten interessant.
Calipometry is a widespread method for ascertaining the amount of subcutaneous fat. Using calipers (pincers), technicians measure the thickness of skin folds at different parts of the body.
The bioelectric impedance method determines the resistance between of the flow of an AC current as it passes through two or more points on the body.
The body contains different types of tissues with differing levels of electrolytes. The BIA can measure the water content, metabolically active cell tissue and fat mass of the individual body compartments. A further advantage of this method is that it can also identify visceral adipose tissue.
The basal metabolic rate, also known as your body’s metabolism, is the amount of energy (in calories) your body needs to keeping functioning at rest on a daily basis, in order to maintain its vital functions such as breathing, heartbeat and body temperature.
The amount of calories required varies from person to person. To measure an individual’s BMR, their respiratory behavior, oxygen uptake, is recorded through a mask as they lie down for approx. 15 minutes. This test is used for the basis of individualized nutritional plans and calorie intake guidelines – for weight loss, to prevent the individual from becoming overweight or to aid weight gain.
Putting weight on or losing weight is not always an easy challenge. Our nutrition advisers, prevention consultants and sports scientists will help you reach your target weight. We assess each case individually and determine whether further analyses are needed, e.g. a bioelectric impedance analysis, a measurement of your basal metabolic rate or a food diary.
For the exact content and process, please contact the respective center.
A running and gait analysis helps to identify malpositions and disproportionate strains at an early stage and to determine the causes of the client’s complaints. Consequently, the analysis is extremely useful for both prevention and rehabilitation. People who active partake in sports as well as those who do not benefit greatly from the findings of this analysis.
Our movement and sports scientists, physiotherapists and partner orthopedic technicians guarantee a high quality of service. The running and gait analysis often serves as the basis for customized insoles.
We know how movement works!
Building on the endurance performance test (lactate level test) of the Sport Check-Up, the Sport Check-up plus focuses on athleticism.
In order to fully develop the full endurance capacity and to avoid overload of the locomotor system during extensive and intensive training, it is very important to include athletics in the training plan. In addition to the mobility of the main muscle groups, the Sport Check-Up Plus supplemented by the SwissOlympic core strength test provides a reliable basis for this.
Based on the determined parameters, the future training can be can be optimally planned and with consideration of the individual time resources.
Which tests are included in the Sport Check-Up Plus?
- Mobility test
- Straight leg raise test
- Thomas test
- Dorsal flexion
- SwissOlympic core strength test
- Lateral chain
- Ventral chain
- Dorsal chain
- Individual evaluation
- Individual training plan and exercise programme for 3 months based on the endurance and core strength test
If you have Helsana PRIMEO insurance, this extra is covered by your insurance. You can find more information about this at Helsana.
If you have Helsana insurance but not PRIMEO supplementary insurance, you can pay for this service directly and benefit from attractive conditions. Please contact your health insurance provider and inquire about other options.
Through our consultations and treatment, we provide our clients with support after an injury or accident and as preventive measures We bolster individual strengths and balance out any weaknesses. Our consultations and treatments are driven by solutions. It is important that we promote our client’s sense of personal responsibility as it is a prerequisite for attaining the ultimate goals.
We strive to optimize the relationship and communication of all those involved in this healing process: client – referring doctor – physiotherapist.
Target groups
Individuals suffering from musculoskeletal problems as well as recreational and competitive athletes from all types of sports and age groups.
Available through basic and accident insurance (through a referral by your doctor) or supplementary insurance (massages).
For all self-payers we have the following offer: Physiotherapy made to measure
We are there for you when you need us. Whether after completion of a prescribed physiotherapy or at any time on your own request. We advise and treat you personally and individually according to your needs - regardless of your health insurance and without prior consultation with a doctor. As a self-payer, you can benefit from our entire spectrum of physiotherapy.
Various contact channels are available to our customers and patients. Choose the appropriate access according to your needs:
- On-site consultation
- Telephone or video consultation
- Chat
Please inform yourself in advance at the respective site.
Target groups
Persons suffering from musculoskeletal problems as well as recreational and competitive athletes from all types of sports and age groups.
Cost absorption
These services are not covered by health insurance/accident insurance and therefore do not require a doctor's prescription.
Further information
Additional information as well as the costs for the self-payer offer can be found in the offer flyer.
Offer Flyer
Physiotherapy made to measure (german)
As with general physiotherapy, this sports physiotherapy focuses on the treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of injuries to the musculoskeletal system.
In sports physiotherapy, we also place special emphasis on the integration of a specific type of sport. The basis for this is mainly intensive, systematically used, active therapy measures (indoor/outdoor) according to the latest scientific findings. Passive physiotherapy is also used, if deemed necessary.
Target groups
Individuals suffering from musculoskeletal problems as well as recreational and competitive athletes from all types of sports and age groups.
Available through basic and accident insurance (through a referral by your doctor), supplementary insurance (massages) or payment by the client directly.
Manual therapy is a specialized sub-field within physiotherapy for the examination and treatment of the musculoskeletal system. It is used in particular for complex movement disorders that require a thorough examination and assessment.
Manual therapy combines various highly specialized treatment techniques including manual techniques and therapeutic exercises. The treatment is based on an objective worked out together with the patient.
Areas of use
- Joint problems
- Spinal pain (back pain, radiation therapy, neck and arm complaints, headaches, dizziness, etc.)
- Muscular complaints
- Dysfunctions of the nervous system
- Rehabilitation after operations
Shock waves are very short, high-energy acoustic pulses. The shock waves created in a generator are passed through the skin to the injured part of the body where they release their therapeutic effect. This stimulates the body’s own healing powers, which accelerate the healing process.
Shock waves help to heal painful and inflamed tendons/ligaments (enthesopathy). The treatment has also proven to be successful in arterial circulatory disorders and pain therapy.
Areas of use
- Heel pain caused by heel spurs (plantaris fasciitis)
- Calcific tendinitis of the shoulder (tendinosis calcarea)
- Tennis and golfer’s elbow (epicondylitis)
- Pain in the Achilles tendon (achillodynia)
- Shin splints (medial tibial stress syndrome)
- Jumpers knee
- Patella tip syndrome
- Hip tendon injury (gluteal endinopathy)
- Muscle-fascia pain (myofascial pain)
The treatment is short and low-risk. The dosage is adapted to suit the pain tolerance of the patient and does not require anesthetics. A marked improvement can already been seen after just 2 to 3 sessions in most cases. 4 to 7 shock wave sessions are carried out on average per patient.
The majority of supplementary insurances will contribute to the cost of the treatment.
Practitioners of craniosacral therapy assist the client to self-regulate by applying light touches.
The aim of the treatment is not to combat the symptoms but instead to find out the causes of the pain to create a holistic healing process. Craniosacral therapy can be used to treat people of all ages, from birth to old age.
- Back and neck problems, migraines, stress-related ailments
- Problems sleeping, fatigue, depression
- Orthodontic problems
- Asthma, allergies and skin conditions, and much more
Health insurance policies are recognized for supplementary insurance in alternative medicine.
Isokinetic testing and training systems have been used in orthopedic rehabilitation for over 20 years with the purpose of detecting and treating muscular deficiencies and imbalances. In addition to rehabilitation, isokinetics is also used to optimize the training of athletes.
A therapy program is drawn up based on the diagnostic findings with the aim of targeted improvement in muscular weaknesses, increased resilience and reduced pain and discomfort.
With dedicated athletes, isokinetic testing is used to analyze their muscular strength and physical capacity and to further enhance their performance, if required, with a specific training program.
Individuals who are able to present a doctor’s prescription for physiotherapy will have their costs covered by their health and or accident insurance.
The AlterG treadmill (anti-gravity treadmill) can reduce gravity’s impact whilst running by up to 80%. It is used predominantly for treating injuries to the lower extremities. It provides accurate control for training and rehabilitation programmers.
Individuals who are able to present a doctor’s prescription for physiotherapy will have their costs covered by their health and or accident insurance. We also offer our customers the option of using the treadmill for purposes other than therapy. If you are interested, please contact us or contact your therapist.
(Video in German)
Our offer in the area of Training advice and planning helps you to reach your set goals and to overcome challenges.
Once the venous blood collection procedure is completed, the patient’s blood is processed in a centrifuge. The separated plasma is removed. The platelets contained therein produce protein and messengers, which stimulate cell growth and tissue repair. This is mainly used in chronic inflammatory reactions, such as inflammation of the Achilles tendon, tennis elbow and inflammation of the patellar tendon, as well as in acute muscle injuries. The ACP is injected into the lesion. This triggers the body to replace the inflamed and damaged tissue with healthy tissue.
Generally, 3 injections are required at one-week intervals.
The cost of this therapy is not covered by insurance.
Dry needling is an effective addition to manual trigger point therapy. The dry needling process involves inserting a thin needle without any medication - hence the term “dry” - with great precision into the trigger point (stiff muscle) causing the current ailment. This treatment relieves cramps, improves the local perfusion and reduces the local inflammation reactions.
For further information, please contact the site directly.
Targeting weak points in the locomotor system
The Medbase Physio Check helps you actively address weaknesses in the locomotor system with professional guidance. The focus is on active strengthening to prevent tension, achieve better posture, and reduce the stress on your joints with a strengthened musculature.
The physiotherapist creates a training program tailored to your needs, which you can access via the Medbase app at any time for independent training.
For whom is the Medical Physio Check suitable?
The Medbase Physio Check is suitable for adults. Especially people with sedentary professions or one-sided physical stresses at work can actively improve their posture, strengthen their musculature, and prevent tension with the Physio Check.
Arrange an individual appointment for physiotherapy (60 minutes) at your chosen location online or over the phone and mention «Physio Check».
Locations with individual physiotherapy
Arrange an individual appointment for physiotherapy (60 minutes) at your chosen location online or over the phone and mention «Physio Check» together with the voucher code you received by email. Bring your digital or printed voucher code with you to the appointment. We look forward to your visit.
Should you have any questions about the health offers, please contact the Sanitas customer service.
Locations with individual physiotherapy
Arrange an individual appointment for physiotherapy (60 minutes) at your chosen location at a Medbase Sports Medical Center and mention «Physio Check» and «Helsana PRIMEO insurance».
Medbase Sports Medical Centers
Exceptions: Medbase Lancy Pont-Rouge and Medbase Thun Panorama Center Sports Medicine do not offer the Physio Check.
Filipino Fighting Art beinhaltet moderne und effektive Selbstverteidigungsmethoden, Kampfkünste und ein individuell auf Sie zugeschnittenes Fitnessprogramm. Das Training ermöglicht Ihnen Ihre Ausdauer, Beweglichkeit, Schnelligkeit und Stabilität zu verbessern. Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit und schulen Sie dank häufig trainierter Übungsformen Ihre Koordination und Ihre Reflexe.
Das Training eignet sich für Jung und Alt, ob mit oder ohne Erfahrung und findet in einer freundschaftlichen und familiären Trainingsatmosphäre statt.
55 Minuten für 1 Person CHF 160
55 Minuten für 2 Personen CHF 280
55 Minuten für 3 Personen CHF 330
55 Minuten für 4 Personen CHF 400
55 Minuten für 5 Personen CHF 450
55 Minuten für 6 Personen CHF 500
- Telefonisch +41 44 226 36 36
- Per Mail
Der Reformer zählt zu den beliebten Trainingsgeräten im Pilates. Das Gerät setzt sich aus einer beweglichen Liegefläche, einem Federmechanismus und Seilzügen für die Beine und die Arme zusammen. Die besondere Konstruktion ermöglicht eine umfassende Kräftigung des Körpers, eine bessere Körperwahrnehmung und optimiert die Qualität der Bewegungen. Trainieren Sie dank dem Reformer individuell, gezielt und auf Ihre Bedürfnisse angepasst.
55 Minuten : CHF 150.-
- Telefonisch +41 44 226 36 36
- Per Mail is a service offered to Medbase Group customers:
- Your training program – individually drawn up by your physiotherapist
- Always on hand – online and offline
- High-quality and easy-to-understand videos – for greater security during implementation
- Presenting your progress in real time – to achieve your targets quicker
- Handy tools as reminders and for feedback – for continuous optimization
To use this service, you will need an access code, which your therapist will send to you either by e-mail or SMS. Once you are set up, your can start your workout straight away and send feedback to your therapist on the exercises you have completed.
Login with access code (German)
Standardized screening for injuries or overuse problems. This helps us to optimally analyse and plan your rehabilitation stages. Hylyght is also a tool for identifying deficits and imbalances and helps to prevent possible injuries.
The long-term ECG monitor records cardiac activity over a longer period of time, usually 24 hours. Any irregularities resulting from the day and/or the individual's lifestyle are taken into account.
The pulmonary function test is used to diagnose your respiratory tract and lungs. It records and evaluates the amount of air you can breathe in and out of your lungs.
Ultrasound allows us to predominantly examine soft tissue structures in the body. That is why our ultrasound scanner is used to help clarify so many questions.
Our digital x-ray camera provides better quality images with a lower exposure to radiation than standard x-rays. Together with the radioscopy device (also called the C-arm), this means injections can be guided precisely within the spine and joints.

Angela Ruwell
Leitung Medizin Sports Medical Center
Orthopädische Chirurgie FMH
Sportmedizin DGSP
Manuelle Medizin DGMM

Thomas Fuchs
Stv. Leitung Sports Medical Center
Allgemeine Innere Medizin FMH
Sportmedizin SEMS
Sonographie SGUM
Notfallmedizin SGNOR
Sportmedizin SEMS
Verbandsarzt Swiss Aquatics

Corinne Weil
Stv. Leitung Sportmedizin
Allgemeine Innere Medizin FMH
Sportmedizin SEMS

Nadine Wirth
Allgemeine Innere Medizin FMH
Sportmedizin i.A.
German (Switzerland), English

Alessandro Lai
Physikalische Medizin und Rehabilitation FMH
Sportmedizin SEMS
Verbandsarzt Swiss Athletics

Donat Ruckert
Facharzt für Allgemeine Innere Medizin
German (Switzerland), English, French

Alexa Schmied-Steinbach
Fachärztin für Orthopädische Chirurgie und Traumatologie FMH
German (Switzerland), English, French

Rebecca Steinemann
Co-Leiterin Therapien (personelles)
Dipl. Physiotherapeutin FH
Sportphysiotherapeutin IAS

Christoph Abegg
Co-Leiter Therapien
Dipl. Physiotherapeut FH
Sportphysiotherapeut SPT
Herztherapeut SAKR

Sarina Fröhlich
Physiotherapeutin FH
Sportphysiotherapeutin SPT

Nicole Kunz
Dipl. Physiotherapeutin FH
German (Switzerland)

Liz Davidson
Bsc. Physiotherapie
Msc. Sportphysiotherapie

Senta Bitter
Dipl. Pysiotherapeutin FH
Craniosacraltherapie Rehastudy

Angela Hofstetter
Dipl. Physiotherapeutin FH
Dry Needling Therapeutin DVS

Michelle Huwiler
Dipl. Physiotherapeutin HF
Dipl. Manualtherapeutin
Branchenzertifikat OdA KT in der Methode Craniosacraltherapie

Cornelia Caviglia
Physiotherapeutin MSc
Sportphysiotherapeutin ESP

Mirco Böhmisch
Dipl. Physiotherapeut FH
German (Switzerland), English

Nadine Rachmühl
Dipl. Physiotherapeutin
Sportphysiotherapie SPT
Pilates Instruktorin

Wendelin Waller
Dipl. Physiotherapeut
German (Switzerland), English

Joëlle Würsch
German (Switzerland), English, French, Italian

Selina Peterhans
German (Switzerland), English, French, Spanish

Tulio Menezes Silva
German (Switzerland), English, Italian, Portuguese

Michelle Huwiler
Dipl. Physiotherapeutin HF
Dipl. Manualtherapeutin
Branchenzertifikat OdA KT in der Methode Craniosacraltherapie

Michael Schwarz
Sport- und Bewegungswissenschaftler
German (Switzerland), English

Corinne von Tobel
BSc Ernährungsberaterin SVDE
German (Switzerland), English

Jovana Petrovic

Alexandra-Maria Stuber

Celina Spengler
Medizinische Praxisassistentin

Eva Bühler
Medizinische Praxisassistentin

Paula Wiestner
Medizinische Praxisassistentin

Gina Behnke
Medizinische Praxisassistentin

Denise Mühlemann

Gathirina Gathiresu

Nicole Wäger
Sekretariat Physiotherapie

Maria Conde Rodriguez
Sekretariatsmitarbeiterin Physiotherapie

Karina Frick
Sekretariatsmitarbeiterin Physiotherapie

Serap Pechmann
Sachbearbeiterin Physiotherapie

Jasmine Klaiqi

Livia Steensels
Lernende Medizinische Praxisassistentin
Scaravelli Yoga
TRX training
TRX Express

New offer: Filipino fighting arts
Filipino fighting arts encompass modern and effective self-defense methods, martial arts, and a fitness program individually tailored to you. The workout enables you to improve your stamina, mobility, speed, and stability.
Permanence now called Medbase Permanence Zurich main station
Permanence has been part of the Medbase Group since 2017. With the completion of the integration, we are changing our name.
Medbase, Hirslanden, Groupe Mutuel, Helsana, and SWICA launch a joint healthcare ecosystem
Medbase, Hirslanden, Groupe Mutuel, Helsana, and SWICA have come together to found a company dedicated to developing a digital healthcare ecosystem. The objective of this joint venture called Compassana is to optimise the way medical care is coordinated to improve treatment quality and process efficiency. The centrepiece of this new ecosystem is a simple, user-friendly portal, where customers can coordinate all their healthcare services.