Our Medical Center offers high-quality medical and healthcare services. We offer a full range of services including general medicine, sports medicine, rheumatology, physiotherapy, osteopathy, craniosacral therapy, rehabilitation & re-integration, medical massage, various group services and much more.
We can also use the top infrastructure of the Migros Fitnesspark Banane Winterthur in a very central location.
Beim Belastungs-EKG auf dem Fahrrad- oder Laufbandergometer werden die Leistungsfähigkeit des Herzens sowie mögliche Veränderungen des Herzkreislaufsystems erfasst. Die Belastung wird entweder stufenweise oder kontinuierlich bis zur Maximalleistung gesteigert. Die Messung erlaubt Rückschlüsse über Blutdruck- und Pulsverhalten und dient als wichtige Diagnostik von Durchblutungsstörungen des Herzens sowie belastungsabhängigen Herzrhythmusstörungen.
As experienced general practitioners, we examine, treat and advise you according to your needs. You benefit from the close collaboration of specialists in sports medicine and rheumatology within our practice. The active interdisciplinary exchange among our therapists (physiotherapy, osteopathy and craniosacral therapy, massage) enables the best possible targeted, personalised treatment. Our modern infrastructure allows efficient, high-quality medical care. Our services include:
- Digital x-ray (with a lower exposure to radiation and higher image quality)
- Ultrasound examinations
- Blood and urine investigations in our own laboratory on-site
Pain in the spine and joints can be treated quickly and lastingly with injections. Interventional pain treatment is often the key to success in the investigation and treatment of chronic back pain.
It is especially effective in the treatment of sciatica (back pain that radiates down the leg) resulting from a slipped disc or leg pain resulting form a constricted spinal cord. Chronic lower back and neck pain originating from worn vertebral joints also respond well to this treatment. This also applies to inflamed and irritated joints. Pain relievers (local anaesthetic) and cortisone-like medications are used. Treatment is also often possible with platelet-rich plasma therapy or hyaluronic acid products. To achieve the best effect, the injection is guided exactly to the site of the affected nerves or painful joint with the aid of radioscopy, or ultrasound for joints. The treatments can be repeated if required and are often supplemented with physiotherapy.
Manual medicine works on acute back point (for example, the dreaded “lumbago”) and chronic back pain, as well as joint and muscle ailments. The muscles, tendons and joints are not directly damaged, but they do not work together in cohesion, which is why the sufferer is afflicted with pain and limits to their range and quality of movement. The pain resulting from these “functional” problems can arise quite a distance from the actual source of the problem.
The healing process begins immediately after the initial visit to the doctor and usually just a few treatment sessions are sufficient. After this, it is the individual’s own active cooperation and personal responsibility that are key. With consistent training, the patient can prevent a relapse and remain free from complaints for the long term.
At the specialized Checkup Center in Zurich we offer a high quality, multi-stage preventive medical Checkup service.
This branch of medicine specialises in diseases of the movement apparatus. We investigate and treat degenerative and inflammatory diseases of the joints, muscles, tendons and bones, as well as related symptoms.
Rheumatic diseases can be caused by improper stress, overexertion and wearing of the tissue; inflammatory diseases can also occur as a result of dysfunctions of the metabolic or immune systems. We investigate and treat the entire spectrum of movement apparatus disorders.
Als erfahrene Fachexperten für sporttraumatologische und sportmedizinische Probleme untersuchen, behandeln oder beraten wir Sie entsprechend Ihren Bedürfnissen. Die gesundheitliche Problematik wird besprochen, bewertet und gemeinsam ein Lösungsweg gesucht. Dabei respektieren wir Ihre persönliche Gesundheitsvorstellung und Ihre Entscheidungsautonomie.
Unser Angebot
- Sportmedizinischer Check-Up
- Sportrehabilitation
- Blutanalysen
- Abklärung und Behandlung von Verletzungen und Überlastungen
- Trainingsberatung in verschiedenen Sportarten
- Rehabilitationsprogramme nach Operationen, Unfällen oder Erkrankungen
Medbase betreut zahlreiche Spitzensportler beim Training und rund um Wettkämpfe. Erfahren Sie mehr zu unseren Sports Medical Center unter
Swiss Olympic Medical Center
Swiss Olympic Approved
- Medbase Bern Zentrum
- Medbase Thun Panorama Center
- Medbase Winterthur Brunngasse
- Medbase Sports Medical Center Zürich
How does craniosacral therapy work?
Craniosacral therapy is part of the field of osteopathy and assumes that the body functions as a unit. If the movement capability of individual structures is restricted by operations, injuries or accidents, the body responds with avoidance or compensation, thereby impairing its healthy functioning. Pain, mobility limitations, tensions or other symptoms occur – to some extent, even far removed from the point of origin. Therefore, craniosacral therapy works with gentle manipulations of the body system between the key locations, the head (cranium) and sacrum, which is connected to other body systems, which mutually influence each other.
Areas of application
Craniosacral therapy is suitable for every age. Possible applications are:
- Traumas (for example, slipping, falling or compression traumas)
- Imbalances in the temporomandibular joint
- Pain conditions (for example, headaches, migraines, neck, back, pelvic or leg pain)
- Acute or chronic tinnitus
- Vegetative symptoms, digestive problems
- Rehabilitation after an illness or accident
- Support during stressful life situations, stress-related ailments
Cost absorption
Health insurance policies are recognized for supplementary insurance in alternative medicine. Contact your health insurance company for more information.
Recognition of our craniosacral therapy by the various registration organisations:
- Andrea Vetter: EMR
Dry needling is a complementary form of therapy to manual trigger point therapy. Using sterile single-use acupuncture needles, local trigger points in the muscle are treated.
The most common areas of application are muscle-related pain syndromes in acute and chronic complaints as well as dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system. The trigger point in the muscle that is causing the symptoms is first identified manually so that it can then be treated precisely with the fine needle.
The dry needling treatment is usually accompanied by supportive manual techniques for the muscle and connective tissue, as well as management and home exercises.
A doctor's physiotherapy prescription is required for dry needling treatment. Dry needling must be explicitly mentioned on it. The costs for the material (needles) are not covered by basic or accident insurance and must be paid by the patient. Please enquire at the respective location about the corresponding tariff.
Das Programm GLA:D Schweiz kommt bei der Behandlung von Knie- oder Hüftarthrose zum Einsatz. Unser Kurs setzt sich aus drei Einzeltherapiesitzungen, zwei Gruppensitzungen mit Beratung und zwölf Gruppensitzungen mit neuromuskulärem Übungsprogramm zusammen. Am Ende des Kurses führen wir eine Abschlussuntersuchung durch und verfassen einen Kurzbericht an Ihren zuweisenden Arzt.
Was bedeutet GLA:D®
GLA:D® steht für «Good Life with OsteoArthritis in Denmark». Das Programm hat zum Ziel, bei Menschen mit Knie- und Hüftarthrose eine Schmerzreduktion sowie eine verbesserte Gelenkfunktion und damit eine gute Lebensqualität zu erreichen. Die Non-Profit-Initiative der Universität von Süddänemark wurde 2013 lanciert und beschäftigt sich mit der konservativen, also nicht operativen Behandlung von Arthrose in Knie- und/oder Hüftgelenken. Das Ziel ist, dass Patientinnen und Patienten am Ende des Programms über ausreichende Kompetenzen verfügen, um ihre Knie- oder Hüftprobleme selbständig «zu managen». GLA:D® ist in verschiedenen Ländern verfügbar und standardisiert. Das Programm besteht aus drei Bereichen: einer Patientenedukation, einem Übungsprogramm und einer Qualitätskontrolle mittels Datenerhebung. Damit setzt es internationale Behandlungsleitlinien qualitätskontrolliert in die Praxis um.
Patientinnen und Patienten durchlaufen zu Beginn des Programms drei Einzelsitzungen mit Eintrittsuntersuchung, Tests und praktischer Einführung ins Übungsprogramm.
Danach folgen zwei Gruppensitzungen zur Wissensvermittlung, zur Beratung und zum Erfahrungsaustausch.
Im Anschluss finden weitere zwölf Gruppensitzungen statt, in denen die Teilnehmenden lernen, ihre Bewegungen und ihre Haltung zu kontrollieren, ihre Muskelkraft zu trainieren sowie funktionale Übungen in den Alltag zu integrieren.
In der letzten Einzelsitzung mit Austrittsuntersuchung wird der Erfolg überprüft. Die Patientin oder der Patient sowie die zuweisende Ärztin oder der zuweisende Arzt erhalten daraufhin einen Kurzbericht.
Mit einer ärztlichen Verordnung werden die Kurskosten (abzüglich Franchise und Selbstbehalt) durch die Krankenkasse übernommen.
In Medical training therapy (MTT) the musculoskeletal system and cardiovascular system are trained through endurance, flexibility, strength and coordination training programs. Targeted training stimuli balance muscle and endurance deficits and maximize the body’s resilience. This results in improved performance both at work and leisure. Competent and specially trained physiotherapists oversee and instruct patients through the MTT treatment.
Fitnesspark Banane Winterthur
Training hours medical training therapy in the group
Monday 13:30 - 14:30 p. m.
Friday 13:30 - 14:30 p. m.
(Registration via your supervising physiotherapist)
In the area of sports psychology, we work together with Philippe Müller from mind2win.
mind2win - Competence Centre for Psychology in Sport and Business
Whether it's mental preparation for competition, stress and recovery management, mental rehabilitation in the event of injury, dealing with blockades and setbacks or the transition to a post-sporting career. Modern sports psychology coaching adapts to your needs and the specific requirements in your environment. Within the framework of individual goal-oriented counselling and support, you will receive a personal training programme tailored to you - scientifically based and successfully tested in sports practice!
Targeting weak points in the locomotor system
The Medbase Physio Check helps you actively address weaknesses in the locomotor system with professional guidance. The focus is on active strengthening to prevent tension, achieve better posture, and reduce the stress on your joints with a strengthened musculature.
The physiotherapist creates a training program tailored to your needs, which you can access via the Medbase app at any time for independent training.
For whom is the Medical Physio Check suitable?
The Medbase Physio Check is suitable for adults. Especially people with sedentary professions or one-sided physical stresses at work can actively improve their posture, strengthen their musculature, and prevent tension with the Physio Check.
Arrange an individual appointment for physiotherapy (60 minutes) at your chosen location online or over the phone and mention «Physio Check».
Locations with individual physiotherapy
Arrange an individual appointment for physiotherapy (60 minutes) at your chosen location online or over the phone and mention «Physio Check» together with the voucher code you received by email. Bring your digital or printed voucher code with you to the appointment. We look forward to your visit.
Should you have any questions about the health offers, please contact the Sanitas customer service.
Locations with individual physiotherapy
Arrange an individual appointment for physiotherapy (60 minutes) at your chosen location at a Medbase Sports Medical Center and mention «Physio Check» and «Helsana PRIMEO insurance».
Medbase Sports Medical Centers
Exceptions: Medbase Lancy Pont-Rouge and Medbase Thun Panorama Center Sports Medicine do not offer the Physio Check. is a service offered to Medbase Group customers:
- Your training program – individually drawn up by your physiotherapist
- Always on hand – online and offline
- High-quality and easy-to-understand videos – for greater security during implementation
- Presenting your progress in real time – to achieve your targets quicker
- Handy tools as reminders and for feedback – for continuous optimization
To use this service, you will need an access code, which your therapist will send to you either by e-mail or SMS. Once you are set up, your can start your workout straight away and send feedback to your therapist on the exercises you have completed.
Login with access code (German)
Through our consultations and treatment, we provide our clients with support after an injury or accident and as preventive measures We bolster individual strengths and balance out any weaknesses. Our consultations and treatments are driven by solutions. It is important that we promote our client’s sense of personal responsibility as it is a prerequisite for attaining the ultimate goals.
We strive to optimize the relationship and communication of all those involved in this healing process: client – referring doctor – physiotherapist.
Target groups
Individuals suffering from musculoskeletal problems as well as recreational and competitive athletes from all types of sports and age groups.
Available through basic and accident insurance (through a referral by your doctor) or payment by the client directly.
Prescription of physiotherapy
We are there for you when you need us. Whether after completion of a prescribed physiotherapy or at any time on your own request. We advise and treat you personally and individually according to your needs - regardless of your health insurance and without prior consultation with a doctor. As a self-payer, you can benefit from our entire spectrum of physiotherapy.
Various contact channels are available to our customers and patients. Choose the appropriate access according to your needs:
- On-site consultation
- Telephone or video consultation
- Chat
Target groups
Persons suffering from musculoskeletal problems as well as recreational and competitive athletes from all types of sports and age groups.
Cost absorption
These services are not covered by health insurance/accident insurance and therefore do not require a doctor's prescription.
Further information
Additional information as well as the costs for the self-payer offer can be found in the offer flyer.
Offer Flyer
Physiotherapy made to measure (german)
Shock waves are very short, high-energy acoustic pulses. The shock waves created in a generator are passed through the skin to the injured part of the body where they release their therapeutic effect. This stimulates the body’s own healing powers, which accelerate the healing process.
Shock waves help to heal painful and inflamed tendons/ligaments (enthesopathy). The treatment has also proven to be successful in arterial circulatory disorders and pain therapy.
Areas of use
- Heel pain caused by heel spurs (plantaris fasciitis)
- Calcific tendinitis of the shoulder (tendinosis calcarea)
- Tennis and golfer’s elbow (epicondylitis)
- Pain in the Achilles tendon (achillodynia)
- Shin splints (medial tibial stress syndrome)
- Jumpers knee
- Patella tip syndrome
- Hip tendon injury (gluteal endinopathy)
- Muscle-fascia pain (myofascial pain)
The treatment is short and low-risk. The dosage is adapted to suit the pain tolerance of the patient and does not require anesthetics. A marked improvement can already been seen after just 2 to 3 sessions in most cases. 4 to 7 shock wave sessions are carried out on average per patient.
The majority of supplementary insurances will contribute to the cost of the treatment.
As with general physiotherapy, this sports physiotherapy focuses on the treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of injuries to the musculoskeletal system.
In sports physiotherapy, we also place special emphasis on the integration of a specific type of sport. The basis for this is mainly intensive, systematically used, active therapy measures (indoor/outdoor) according to the latest scientific findings. Passive physiotherapy is also used, if deemed necessary.
Target groups
Individuals suffering from musculoskeletal problems as well as recreational and competitive athletes from all types of sports and age groups.
Available through basic and accident insurance (through a referral by your doctor) or payment by the client directly.
Our offer in the area of Training advice and planning helps you to reach your set goals and to overcome challenges.
A sports massage supplements the classic and medical massage. The same manipulation techniques are used, such as stroking, kneading, circular frictions, etc. as well as some other techniques that are not used as often in classic massages (e.g. tapping, shaking motions, vibration)
With a sports massage a distinction is made between:
The period before the competition:
- A few days before (predominantly loosening up the frame, stretching, relaxing)
- Immediately before the performance (stimulating the blood circulation/frames, muscles, ligaments, tendons, skin, etc. through quick and hard manipulation techniques, mental preparation for performing)
During / in between competitions
- For example with athletics, swimming competitions, etc.
After the competition:
- Directly after performing
- A few days after the competition
The treatment is drawn up on an individual basis with the athlete tailored to the type of sport, the duration of the treatments and the respective objective.
We use the lactate level test to determine your current endurance training threshold in order to draw up an individual and effective training program that makes the most efficient use of your time. The ergometer on a stationary bicycle or treadmill is gradually increased until the test person’s maximum level is reached. The lactate concentration in the blood can be used to measure the individual’s anaerobic metabolism. The anaerobic threshold measured in the test is used as the predicate of the individual’s endurance threshold and to determine the different areas of training and heart rate ranges. Our sports scientists and sports doctors will provide you with clear explanations on how to best organize and measure your training.
If you have Helsana PRIMEO insurance, this extra is covered by your insurance. You can find more information about this at Helsana.
If you have Helsana insurance but not Primeo supplementary insurance, you can pay for this service directly and benefit from attractive conditions. Please contact your health insurance provider and inquire about other options.
With the exception of Medbase Thun Panorama-Center Sports Medicine and Medbase Zug, all our Sports Medical Centres offer the Sports Check.
The Medical Check Basic consists of a medical assessment of your personal state of health followed by a brief consultation review with a doctor and prevention adviser with the aim of optimizing your health in the future.
Appointment booking Medical Check Basic
Please make an appointment by telephone.
For whom is the Medical Check Basic suitable?
Younger people and people who have remained healthy and youthful, who would like to know their statistics so that they can remain healthy and active in the future.
Before the check-up
Once you have registered you will receive a health questionnaire. On the day of your check-up, we will provide you with a delicious breakfast after your blood samples have been taken.
Laboratory examination
Urinalysis, complete blood count (CBC), values for your liver, kidney, blood lipids and blood sugar levels, iron levels, uric acid, thyroid value, electrolytes, screening for inflammation parameters, PSA value for men under 45, colon cancer prevention for men and women over 50 or those at risk. HIV test on request (not included).
Medical examination
Anamnesis, physical examination, blood pressure and pulse, vaccination status.
Medical diagnostics
Anthropometric measurements (weight, size, BMI, waist circumference, body fat analysis), basal metabolism, resting ECG, exercise ECG with blood pressure.
Consultation and advice from the doctor
All medical examinations are reviewed with the doctor.
Prevention advice
Basic advice for a healthy and active lifestyle based on the patient’s blood values and tests conducted.
Short report
Lab values, overview of the findings relating to the patient’s health.
Approx. 2 hours in the morning and 1 hour in the afternoon.
If you have Helsana Primeo insurance, this extra is covered by your insurance. You can find more information about this at Helsana.
If you have Helsana insurance but not Primeo supplementary insurance, you can pay for this service directly and benefit from attractive conditions. Please contact your health insurance provider and inquire about other options.
If you have SWICA OPTIMA or COMPLETA PRAEVENTA insurance, this service is covered by your insurance. You can find more information about this at SWICA OPTIMA or SWICA PRAEVENTA.
...use your full potential...
Our performance diagnostics provides an objective assessment of your physical performance and your conditional abilities. Endurance, strength, flexibility and speed create the basis for a targeted and effective training program with individual control over the amount of loading.
Performance tests, for example the lactate level test, are suitable for athletes of all ages and all capabilities – from beginners, those taking up a sport again, right up to the ambitious amateur or professional athletes.
Training advice and training plans
Being of sound health and following a professionally designed training program are the key to your success!
We draw up personal training guidelines and training plans for you based on your current performance abilities (current condition). You will be given detailed information on your training session, for example, the duration, intensity and type of exercise.
Personal training
Would you like to receive tailored effective training with personal 1-on-1 support from a qualified trainer? You only have a limited amount of time available for training, so you would like to use it efficiently.
Beginners, amateur athletes or pros – we will help you on your way to achieving your sporting goals!
Endurance training
We offer comprehensive endurance training program that ranges from technique training to monitored basic and stamina training to training sessions for specific competitions.
- Running (beginners to marathon runners with specific training or competition format)
- Running technique training
- Walking and Nordic walking
- Cross-country skiing
Strength training
- Strengthening training for the back and stomach
- Problem areas addressed in strengthening training
- Core stability training for runners, cross-country skiers, cyclists, golfers, ball games
A running and gait analysis helps to identify malpositions and disproportionate strains at an early stage and to determine the causes of the client’s complaints. Consequently, the analysis is extremely useful for both prevention and rehabilitation. People who active partake in sports as well as those who do not benefit greatly from the findings of this analysis.
Our movement and sports scientists, physiotherapists and partner orthopedic technicians guarantee a high quality of service. The running and gait analysis often serves as the basis for customized insoles.
We know how movement works!
Core strength endurance test
The core strength endurance test according to Swiss Olympic is a standardized basic strength test to determine the strength of the core muscles. It consists of three individual dynamic strength exercises performed using just the individual’s own body weight. This method is used to record the strength of the anterior, lateral and posterior group of core muscles.
Insufficiently trained core muscles not only have a negative impact on an individual’s perform in many different types of sports, but frequency are the reason for back and lower back complaints. On the one hand the core muscles are an important factor in stabilizing the body in many types of ball games, contact sports and martial arts; on the other hand, they play an important role in the prevention and treatment of back problems.
Duration: approx. 60 minutes
The bioelectric impedance method determines the resistance between of the flow of an AC current as it passes through two or more points on the body.
The body contains different types of tissues with differing levels of electrolytes. The BIA can measure the water content, metabolically active cell tissue and fat mass of the individual body compartments. A further advantage of this method is that it can also identify visceral adipose tissue.
Unser digitales Röntgengerät ermöglicht qualitativ hochwertige Bilder mit einer geringeren Strahlenbelastung und höherer Bildqualität. Mit dem Durchleuchtungsgerät (auch C-Bogen genannt) können Injektionen an der Wirbelsäule und an Gelenken gezielt gesteuert werden.
The pulmonary function test is used to diagnose your respiratory tract and lungs. It records and evaluates the amount of air you can breathe in and out of your lungs.
Ultrasound enables the investigation of primarily soft tissue structures (abdomen, movement apparatus). High-definition ultrasound of the movement apparatus coupled with the clinical examination provides additional important information and facilitates the therapeutic measures. As a cost-effective, non-invasive method, the technology is especially suited for diagnostic procedures of the soft tissues and joints. Ultrasound is also increasingly used to follow-up therapeutic measures (e.g. changes to the joint inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis) as well as during interventions (e.g. targeted punctures and infiltrations of the smaller joints).
Effective training can be provided for the pelvic floor musculature and its functioning improved. Pelvic floor rehabilitation is possible for people of any age. It is a conservative (i.e., non-invasive) form of therapy, which, depending on the findings, takes place on an individual basis, is individualized and is carried out under the care of a specialized physical therapy.
When is pelvic floor rehabilitation indicated?
- For stress incontinence: urinary leakage, for example, when coughing, during athletic activities or when lifting loads
- For an overactive bladder: frequent, difficult to suppress urge to urinate
- For bowel and flatus incontinence
- For evacuation disorders (intestine, bladder)
- For organ prolapses (bladder, uterus, intestine)
- For pain in the genital region and the pelvis
- As a preventive measure and/or for problems associated with pregnancy and childbirth
Contents of the pelvic floor rehabilitation
Assessment and examination
- Joint ascertainment of the problems
- Discipline-specific examination by the physical therapist
- Joint definition of the objectives and duration of the therapy
Communication of information and knowledge
- Development and purpose of the pelvic floor as part of the abdominal region
- Purpose and function of the bladder and intestinal tract
- Helpful behavioral instructions and tips
- Advice for the use of supportive devices
Specific training of the pelvic floor and trunk musculature
- Preparation of a goal-oriented rehabilitation program
- Transfer to daily life
- Follow-up
Cost assumption
Through the basic insurance with a physician’s prescription for physical therapy or as a self-payer without a prescription.
Pascal Urs Zehnder
Leiter Medizin
Facharzt für Allgemeine Innere Medizin FMH
Sportmedizin SEMS i.A.
Patric Gross
Physikalische Medizin und Rehabilitation
Allgemeine Innere Medizin FMH
Sportmedizin SEMS
Maria Schröder
Fachärztin Rheumatologie FMH
Ultraschall Bewegungsapparat SGUM
Armin Bürgler
General Practicioner (Medical Check) & sports medicine
German (Switzerland)Marcel Hediger
Leiter Therapien
MAS in Managed Health Care
Physiotherapeut FH
Sportphysiotherapeut ESP
Christian Horvath
Stv. Leiter Therapien
Physiotherapeut MSc
Sportphysiotherapeut CAS
Corinne Hugelshofer
Physiotherapeutin MAS msk
Manualtherapeutin OMT svompt©
Sportphysiotherapeutin SPT
Kathrin Dettling
Physiotherapeutin MSc
Sportphysiotherapeutin ESP
Caroline Oschwald
Physiotherapeutin FH
Sportphysiotherapeutin ESP
CAS Coaching Competence Sport & Health
Susanne Spiess
Physiotherapeutin FH
Craniosacraltherapeutin i.A.
Angelika Abt-Mannig
Physiotherapeutin MAS msk
Manualtherapeutin OMT svomp®
Caroline Uhlmann
Physiotherapeutin FH
Sportphysiotherapeutin SPT
Eva Bussola
Physiotherapeutin FH
Sportphysiotherapeutin ESP
Isabelle Meyner
Physiotherapeutin FH
Sportphysiotherapeutin SPT
CAS Coaching Competence Sport & Health
Nicole Bartkowski
Dipl. Physiotherapeutin
Physiotherapeutin FH
Anton Schwibbe
Physiotherapeut, Diplom (D), BA (NL)
Sportphysiotherapeut CAS
Susanne Egli
Selina Jochum
Physiotherapeutin BSc.
Sportphysiotherapeutin SPT
Dominique Gonzenbach
Physiotherapeutin BSc
Sportphysiotherapie CAS
Geriatrische Physiotherapie CAS
Renato Ebneter
Physiotherapeut BSc
Sportphysiotherapeut ESP i.A.
(Klinik Lindberg)
Brigitte Janser
Physiotherapeutin FH
Sportphysiotherapeutin ESP
(Klinik Lindberg)
Ramona Strupler
Physiotherapeutin BSc
Sportphysiotherapeutin CAS
Conradin Friedrich
Physiotherapeut in Ausbildung
German (Switzerland)
Lucas Ziegler
Physiotherapeut in Ausbildung
German (Switzerland)
Anita Krause-Geser
Leitende Medizinische Praxisassistentin
German (Switzerland)
Nicole Roth-Strothe
Stv. Leitende Medizinische Praxisassistentin
German (Switzerland), English
Corinne Adam
Medizinische Praxisassistentin
German (Switzerland)
Debora Kölbener-Richli
Medizinische Praxisassistentin
German (Switzerland), English
Tamara Polito
Medizinische Praxisassistentin
German (Switzerland), Italian
Nadja Bauer
Medizinische Praxisassistentin
German (Switzerland)
Samara Zatti
Medizinische Praxisassistentin
German (Switzerland)
Judith Bertschmann
Leitung Disposition und Administration Therapie
German (Switzerland), Italian
Clara Konopatzki
Disponentin Therapie
German (Switzerland), English
Eveline Wolfensberger
German (Switzerland), English
Sabrina Bächtold
Mitarbeiterin Administration
German (Switzerland)
Corinne Eckert
Mitarbeiterin Administration
German (Switzerland)
Sabrina Hintermeister
German (Switzerland)
Katja Sinopoli
German (Switzerland)
GLA:D - Knee and Hip
Strength training for runners
Medical training therapy (MTT)
Water therapy
New offer: Filipino fighting arts
Filipino fighting arts encompass modern and effective self-defense methods, martial arts, and a fitness program individually tailored to you. The workout enables you to improve your stamina, mobility, speed, and stability.
mehrPermanence now called Medbase Permanence Zurich main station
Permanence has been part of the Medbase Group since 2017. With the completion of the integration, we are changing our name.
mehrMedbase, Hirslanden, Groupe Mutuel, Helsana, and SWICA launch a joint healthcare ecosystem
Medbase, Hirslanden, Groupe Mutuel, Helsana, and SWICA have come together to found a company dedicated to developing a digital healthcare ecosystem. The objective of this joint venture called Compassana is to optimise the way medical care is coordinated to improve treatment quality and process efficiency. The centrepiece of this new ecosystem is a simple, user-friendly portal, where customers can coordinate all their healthcare services.