We are an interdisciplinary medical team with many years of experience, from Eastern Switzerland. Every customer benefits from our know-how and the extensive offer at the Center for Medicine & Sport – athletes, non-athletes, young and old alike.
The versatile modern infrastructure of the Säntispark offers countless combination possibilities for optimum care in rehabilitation training, rehabilitation and many more health-related requirements.
If you have any general medical concerns or problems, you are in the right place at our Sports Medical Center. Experienced GPs help with patients’ illnesses, accidents and in prevention. They also refer patients to specialists if necessary.
Since many of the specialist disciplines can also be found in the Center, you are not waiting long and your costs are kept to a minimum.
We also offer various check-ups for your general good health.
Medbase offers a comprehensive range of sports and medical services to patients, recreational and competitive athletes. We support our customers in achieving their goals so that they are healthy in everyday life and efficient in sport. Our concepts include competitive sports, health sports and prevention.
The Medbase Center for Sport and Medicine at the Hotel Säntispark in Abtwil was awarded the label of Swiss Olympic Medical Center as of the 1st of January 2013. The Swiss Olympic Medical Centers are medical centers that focus mainly on looking after top sportsmen and young athletes at a national level.
Find out more about our comprehensive range of sports medicine and therapy under Sport.Medbase (German).
Rheumatology is a specialist area treating diseases and disorders affecting the musculoskeletal system. This includes, in particular, the inflammation of bones, joints and muscles (e.g. rheumatism, arthritis and osteoporosis) as well as internal organs and the nervous system.
The rheumatologist is an expert in diseases such as arthritis, osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. His work predominantly involves diagnosing the disease and deciding on the appropriate treatment. The treatment options include radio-controlled infiltration, shock wave therapy, manual medicine, specific medication, therapy autologous blood, and so on.
In orthopedics, the focus is on the support and musculoskeletal system and the human body parts required for this: Knees, joints, muscles, sinews and ligaments. The Sports Medical Centerand is staffed with exceptional qualified personnel and has an excellent infrastructure for the prevention, detection and treatment of injuries in this area.
Orthopedics with experience in the field of sports work at the Sports Medical Center, so that even in this specialized area of orthopedics, they can offer optimum care and treatment.
Orthopaedic surgery / traumatology is offered in cooperation with Orthopädie Rosenberg.
Cardiology deals with diseases of the heart and their consequential risk factors. This includes, among other things, hypertension, heart valve defects, circulatory disorders of the heart (coronary heat disease), heart failure, various forms of diseases of the heart muscle (cardiomyopathy) and numerous other diseases.
At our Sports Medical Centerwe offer the following services:
- General cardiology
- Transthoracic echocardiography
- Ergometry
- Long-term ECG (Holter)
- Ambulatory blood pressure measurement (Remler)
- Risk assessment and cardiovascular prevention
Deals with the study and treatments of endocrine disorders and their secondary diseases, diabetes and metabolic bone diseases.
- Diabetes
Type 1, Type 2, gestational diabetes, diabetes with special medication such as cortisone, etc.
Treatment with tablets, insulin (pumps)
Ongoing measurement of blood glucose levels using a sensor
- Overweight
- Dyslipidemia
- Assessment of hypertension (is it a hormonal problem?)
- Pituitary gland disorders (hypophysis)
- Thyroid gland disorders with thyroid ultrasound
- Adrenal gland disorders
- Osteoporosis
- Parathyroid disorders
- Assessments for women to clarify the following disorders: Hirsutism, menstrual disorders, PCO syndrome
- Assessments for men to clarify the following disorders: Loss of libido, impotence
Additional offer, the “transitional consultation hour”:
Admission and further care of patients from the pediatric endocrinologist in the consultation hour for adult endocrinology, among other things
- Turner syndrome
- Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)
- Diabetes
- Overweight
Sports cardiology addresses the various cardiological issues and specializes in particular on individuals subject to physical exertion and sports. It is therefore just as important for competitive athletes as it is for recreational athletes or patients involved in sporting activities who have an increased risk of heart disease (hypertension, smoking, diabetes, high blood lipid levels, overweight, family stress or chronic lack of physical activity), as well as patients who already have heart diseases, who want to continue to be physically active.
Physical exercise and sports, endurance sports in particular, are advisable and a healthy option for your heart. However, under certain circumstances such activities can also have risks. That is why it makes sense for athletes and would-be athletes to undergo a specific sports cardiac screening and assessment if they experience any indicative signs due to complaints or after a routine check. Delineating physiological adaptation through sports and pathological findings relating to the heart can sometimes be a difficult process. It is important to identify patients who actually have an increased risk.
We offer assessments for athletes with abnormal findings (e.g. significantly deviant rest-ECG results during a routine check). We furthermore offer sports cardiac checks for beginners and individuals wanting to take up sports/physical activities again, who do or do not have cardiovascular risk factors. We also provide assessments and training advice for athletes form all disciplines and performance levels, as well as for patients with existing cardiovascular diseases.
Through our consultations and treatment, we provide our clients with support after an injury or accident and as preventive measures We bolster individual strengths and balance out any weaknesses. Our consultations and treatments are driven by solutions. It is important that we promote our client’s sense of personal responsibility as it is a prerequisite for attaining the ultimate goals.
We strive to optimize the relationship and communication of all those involved in this healing process: client – referring doctor – physiotherapist.
Target groups
Individuals suffering from musculoskeletal problems as well as recreational and competitive athletes from all types of sports and age groups.
Available through basic and accident insurance (through a referral by your doctor) or supplementary insurance (massages).
For all self-payers we have the following offer: Physiotherapy made to measure
We are there for you when you need us. Whether after completion of a prescribed physiotherapy or at any time on your own request. We advise and treat you personally and individually according to your needs - regardless of your health insurance and without prior consultation with a doctor. As a self-payer, you can benefit from our entire spectrum of physiotherapy.
Various contact channels are available to our customers and patients. Choose the appropriate access according to your needs:
- On-site consultation
- Telephone or video consultation
- Chat
Please inform yourself in advance at the respective site.
Target groups
Persons suffering from musculoskeletal problems as well as recreational and competitive athletes from all types of sports and age groups.
Cost absorption
These services are not covered by health insurance/accident insurance and therefore do not require a doctor's prescription.
Further information
Additional information as well as the costs for the self-payer offer can be found in the offer flyer.
Offer Flyer
Physiotherapy made to measure (german)
As with general physiotherapy, this sports physiotherapy focuses on the treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of injuries to the musculoskeletal system.
In sports physiotherapy, we also place special emphasis on the integration of a specific type of sport. The basis for this is mainly intensive, systematically used, active therapy measures (indoor/outdoor) according to the latest scientific findings. Passive physiotherapy is also used, if deemed necessary.
Target groups
Individuals suffering from musculoskeletal problems as well as recreational and competitive athletes from all types of sports and age groups.
Available through basic and accident insurance (through a referral by your doctor), supplementary insurance (massages) or payment by the client directly.
Practitioners of craniosacral therapy assist the client to self-regulate by applying light touches.
The aim of the treatment is not to combat the symptoms but instead to find out the causes of the pain to create a holistic healing process. Craniosacral therapy can be used to treat people of all ages, from birth to old age.
- Back and neck problems, migraines, stress-related ailments
- Problems sleeping, fatigue, depression
- Orthodontic problems
- Asthma, allergies and skin conditions, and much more
Health insurance policies are recognized for supplementary insurance in alternative medicine.
In biomechanics we look specifically for the causes of complaints in your musculoskeletal system. Medical knowledge and technical aids help us to individually analyze your movements and to measure and assess the strain caused in various sports.
This form of treatment can correct and rebalance possible malpositions and inappropriate strains through individualized measuring devices. Our focus is on people and their ability to move. Our goal is for you to be able to walk, train or simply go back to work again free from any pain. We will provide you with a comprehensive range of scientific movement analyses in various types of sports, plus the corresponding evaluation for producing orthopedics insoles for your sports shoes. We also offer expert advice on the right sports shoe to buy – which you can purchase from us. By providing the entire value chain, we guarantee our customers continuous quality assurance for all our products.
The analysis team from swissbiomechanics carries out the running analyses. swissbiomechanics is a spin-off company of Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich; it is a leader in the area of running analysis and the production of orthotic insoles for specific sports. Many national and international amateur and top athletes from various sports background have benefited from swissbiomechanics’ extensive expertise.
Advice on sports and running shoes
Having the right sports and running shoe is of huge importance as it significantly influences the heel-to-toe behavior of the wearer’s foot. The heel-to-toe behavior can be analyses on the treadmill and the running shoe can be assessed accordingly. By using this method, we can guarantee the provision of accurate advice on footwear.
Motion analysis for specific types of sports
Because of the stop and start nature of various types of sports, the musculoskeletal system can be exposed to extreme stresses. These stresses should never exceed the bearing capacity of the musculoskeletal system. A biomechanical analysis designed for specific types of sports, helps to identify malpositions and inappropriate strains in the musculoskeletal system at an early stage. This makes it possible to avoid overstraining the system and injuries, or to detect the causes of existing complaints. The analysis can also be used to enhance performance and is carried specifically at the sport’s site.
Isokinetic testing and training systems have been used in orthopedic rehabilitation for over 20 years with the purpose of detecting and treating muscular deficiencies and imbalances. In addition to rehabilitation, isokinetics is also used to optimize the training of athletes.
A therapy program is drawn up based on the diagnostic findings with the aim of targeted improvement in muscular weaknesses, increased resilience and reduced pain and discomfort.
With dedicated athletes, isokinetic testing is used to analyze their muscular strength and physical capacity and to further enhance their performance, if required, with a specific training program.
Individuals who are able to present a doctor’s prescription for physiotherapy will have their costs covered by their health and or accident insurance.
Shock waves are very short, high-energy acoustic pulses. The shock waves created in a generator are passed through the skin to the injured part of the body where they release their therapeutic effect. This stimulates the body’s own healing powers, which accelerate the healing process.
Shock waves help to heal painful and inflamed tendons/ligaments (enthesopathy). The treatment has also proven to be successful in arterial circulatory disorders and pain therapy.
Areas of use
- Heel pain caused by heel spurs (plantaris fasciitis)
- Calcific tendinitis of the shoulder (tendinosis calcarea)
- Tennis and golfer’s elbow (epicondylitis)
- Pain in the Achilles tendon (achillodynia)
- Shin splints (medial tibial stress syndrome)
- Jumpers knee
- Patella tip syndrome
- Hip tendon injury (gluteal endinopathy)
- Muscle-fascia pain (myofascial pain)
The treatment is short and low-risk. The dosage is adapted to suit the pain tolerance of the patient and does not require anesthetics. A marked improvement can already been seen after just 2 to 3 sessions in most cases. 4 to 7 shock wave sessions are carried out on average per patient.
The majority of supplementary insurances will contribute to the cost of the treatment.
Das Alter G-Laufband (Antischwerkraft-Laufband) kann die Belastung beim Laufen um bis zu 80% reduzieren. Es kommt vor allem bei Verletzungen der unteren Extremitäten zum Einsatz. Training und Rehabilitation lassen sich damit sehr fein steuern.
Mit einer ärztlichen Verordnung zur Physiotherapie kann über die Kranken- bzw. Unfallversicherung abgerechnet werden. Wir bieten ausserdem die Möglichkeit, das Laufband auch ausserhalb der Therapie zu nutzen. Bei Interesse sprechen Sie uns bitte an oder informieren sich bei Ihrem Therapeuten.
The question of whether an employee can be healthy and perform well for the long term is not just up to the employee. It is also important to create conditions in the company that allow him/her to adopt a healthy lifestyle. At the Center for Medicine & Sport, your employees can undergo fitness and/or health checks, or receive nutritional guidance or advice on stress management.
At the Center for Medicine & Sport, our staff will gladly show you the best concept for your company’s employees, which can also be implemented outside of work.
In interesting presentations, specialists inform about selected health topics or guide the participants in a workshop to jointly work on a topic. Nutrition, fitness, therapy or preventive health care are the focus of our presentations.
Medical training therapy at the center
We offer independent training for physiotherapy patients at the center (only applies to customers already receiving physiotherapy):
Mo – Th: 07.30 a. m. – 10.00 a. m. / 16.00 p. m. – 18.30 p. m.
Fr: 07.30 a. m. – 10.00 a. m. / 14.00 p. m. – 16.30 p. m.
Sa: 08.00 a. m. – 12.00 p. m.
Once again, this offer creates great added value for patients. Customers pay directly (membership fee CHF 180 for 10 sessions) or through a prescription for physiotherapy.
Medical training therapy at Säntispark
We will also be delighted to look after you as a customer of the medical training therapy course at the Säntispark Fitness Center. The opening times can be freely selected. Payment can be made through the basic health insurance with a prescription for physiotherapy. If you have any questions, we will be happy to help.
Do you want to modify your diet, increase your performance or become slimmer? Would you like to reach your ideal weight?
We advise individuals who want a healthier diet, adapt their diet to their current situation, (e.g. pregnant women, parents and their children, professionals, postmenopausal women, senior citizens, etc.) or amateur and performance athletes who want to optimally support their athletic ambitions with the right nutrition. We are also the right choice for diabetics (type 1 and type 2), individuals with inflammatory rheumatic disorders, celiac disease or lactose intolerance.
We believe it is important to be hands-on. In addition to the individual consultation, we also support you on site. You will find a more detailed description of this offer here:
- Shopping coaching
- Restaurant coaching
- Take-away food coaching
With certain indicative signs, such as being overweight, with a BMI of over 30 plus secondary diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and malnutrition, the cost for the consultation can be covered by your health insurance. You must, however, present a doctor’s prescription to qualify.
Our offer in the area of Training advice and planning helps you to reach your set goals and to overcome challenges.
Expand your limits under expert supervision and achieve your training goals.
Personal training at the Centre for Medicine & Sport stands for high-quality individual training with an experienced sports physiotherapist. With the help of performance diagnostic test procedures, we define your training goals together. With an individual, varied training programm you approach your goals.
Procedure of a personnel training course
- Introductory discussion and individual goal definition
- Individually adapted test battery to check physical performance and identify personal weaknesses
- Personal training with an experienced sports physiotherapist at a fixed training rhythm
- Parallel independent training based on an individual training plan
- Review of the training success with regard to the defined goals
The training can be taken individually or in groups of 2:
- 1:1 training: CHF 120 per hour
- 2:1 training: CHF 70 per person and hour
Manuel Germann | +41 71 313 70 25 |
Standardized screening for injuries or overuse problems. This helps us to optimally analyse and plan your rehabilitation stages. Hylyght is also a tool for identifying deficits and imbalances and helps to prevent possible injuries.
Im Bereich Mentaltraining arbeiten wir mit zwei Partnern zusammen.
Rinaldo Manferdini, Mental Drive GmbH
Das Ziel des Mentaltrainings besteht darin, Athletinnen und Athleten zu befähigen, mentale Trainingsformen selbständig und gezielt zur Unterstützung der normalen Trainingseinheiten und Wettkämpfe einzusetzen, damit sie ihre Topleistungen dann bringen, wenn es wirklich zählt. Die Zusammenarbeit kann kurzfristig und zeitlich beschränkt erfolgen. Sie kann aber auch längerfristig und systematisch aufgebaut werden, beispielsweise mit dem Ziel, Europa-, Weltmeisterschaften oder olympische Spiele vorzubereiten.
Physiotherapie & Mental Training Marc Wetter
Mental zu trainieren ist fast immer möglich; in der Pause, vor dem Training oder am Abend. Unter anderem kann mentales Training dabei unterstützen im “Moment wo es drauf ankommt” die eigene Bestleistung abzurufen. Es kann dich in entscheidenden Momenten ruhig bleiben lassen, sei es im Alltag, im Sport, im Beruf, an Wettkämpfen, bei Prüfungen, oder allgemein in einer schwierigen Situation.
Targeting weak points in the locomotor system
The Medbase Physio Check helps you actively address weaknesses in the locomotor system with professional guidance. The focus is on active strengthening to prevent tension, achieve better posture, and reduce the stress on your joints with a strengthened musculature.
The physiotherapist creates a training program tailored to your needs, which you can access via the Medbase app at any time for independent training.
For whom is the Medical Physio Check suitable?
The Medbase Physio Check is suitable for adults. Especially people with sedentary professions or one-sided physical stresses at work can actively improve their posture, strengthen their musculature, and prevent tension with the Physio Check.
Arrange an individual appointment for physiotherapy (60 minutes) at your chosen location online or over the phone and mention «Physio Check».
Locations with individual physiotherapy
Arrange an individual appointment for physiotherapy (60 minutes) at your chosen location online or over the phone and mention «Physio Check» together with the voucher code you received by email. Bring your digital or printed voucher code with you to the appointment. We look forward to your visit.
Should you have any questions about the health offers, please contact the Sanitas customer service.
Locations with individual physiotherapy
Arrange an individual appointment for physiotherapy (60 minutes) at your chosen location at a Medbase Sports Medical Center and mention «Physio Check» and «Helsana PRIMEO insurance».
Medbase Sports Medical Centers
Exceptions: Medbase Lancy Pont-Rouge and Medbase Thun Panorama Center Sports Medicine do not offer the Physio Check. is a service offered to Medbase Group customers:
- Your training program – individually drawn up by your physiotherapist
- Always on hand – online and offline
- High-quality and easy-to-understand videos – for greater security during implementation
- Presenting your progress in real time – to achieve your targets quicker
- Handy tools as reminders and for feedback – for continuous optimization
To use this service, you will need an access code, which your therapist will send to you either by e-mail or SMS. Once you are set up, your can start your workout straight away and send feedback to your therapist on the exercises you have completed.
Login with access code (German)
This holistic medical system dating back over 2,000 years is currently enjoying growing recognition and importance.
Modern medicine considers the patient as a whole. Our level of physical fitness significantly influences our general sense of motivation. We aim to positively influence your fitness and state of health.
Are you in pain? Do you frequently feel tired or stressed? TCM is suitable for a variety of ailments and illnesses, but also for prevention and optimization. With the additional offer of acupuncture and Chinese herbal therapies, we are able to look after you in the best possible way – also in conjunction with conventional medical treatments. We work closely together with the doctor or therapist. In the diagnostics and therapies, we do not just consider individual parts of the body, but look at the patient as a whole.
Traditional Chinese Medicine offers the following variety of treatments:
Acupuncture, ear acupuncture, cupping, Chinese herbal therapies, moxa, heat therapy
Main areas of treatment:
- Musculoskeletal pain (back pain, tennis elbow, heel spur, etc.)
- Headaches, migraines
- Tinnitus, loss of hearing, dizziness
- Sinusitis, hay fever
- Problems with the digestive tract (stomach pain, irritable bowels, etc.)
- Sleeping disorders
- Fatigue, stress, burnout
- PMS, menopausal complaints, hot flashes
- and much more
A running and gait analysis helps to identify malpositions and disproportionate strains at an early stage and to determine the causes of the client’s complaints. Consequently, the analysis is extremely useful for both prevention and rehabilitation. People who active partake in sports as well as those who do not benefit greatly from the findings of this analysis.
Our movement and sports scientists, physiotherapists and partner orthopedic technicians guarantee a high quality of service. The running and gait analysis often serves as the basis for customized insoles.
We know how movement works!
Our training consulting and planning services will help you achieve your goals and meet your challenges.
No matter what level your involvement in sports is or how much time you have, a targeted training program will help you maximize on your requirements and guarantees long-term performance gains. Getting the right balance of exercise and rest protects you against overstraining your body and keeps you fit and healthy for your daily routine at work. The content of the training program and the extent of our advice will be tailored to suit your needs.
We use the lactate level test to determine your current endurance training threshold in order to draw up an individual and effective training program that makes the most efficient use of your time. The ergometer on a stationary bicycle or treadmill is gradually increased until the test person’s maximum level is reached. The lactate concentration in the blood can be used to measure the individual’s anaerobic metabolism. The anaerobic threshold measured in the test is used as the predicate of the individual’s endurance threshold and to determine the different areas of training and heart rate ranges. Our sports scientists and sports doctors will provide you with clear explanations on how to best organize and measure your training.
If you have Helsana PRIMEO insurance, this extra is covered by your insurance. You can find more information about this at Helsana.
If you have Helsana insurance but not Primeo supplementary insurance, you can pay for this service directly and benefit from attractive conditions. Please contact your health insurance provider and inquire about other options.
With the exception of Medbase Thun Panorama-Center Sports Medicine and Medbase Zug, all our Sports Medical Centres offer the Sports Check.
Die Spiroergometrie bietet für den Sportler den Goldstandard der Leistungsdiagnostik. Die umfangreiche Diagnostik wird zur Bestimmung der Leistungsfähigkeit und Belastungsfähigkeit von Herz und Lunge sowie der maximalen Sauerstoffaufnahme angewandt. Dies ermöglicht eine qualifizierte Beurteilung des individuellen Ausdauertrainingszustandes.
Bei der Durchführung der Spiroergometrie wird der Sportler auf dem Fahrrad- oder Laufbandergometer bis zum individuellen Leistungsmaximum belastet. Mittels Maske wird die Gaszusammensetzung der Ein- und Ausatmungsluft analysiert (Atemanalyse). Die maximale Sauerstoffaufnahme (VO2max/ VO2peak) ist ein wichtiger Prädikator der Ausdauerleistungsfähigkeit. Über sogenannte Atemschwellen werden individuelle Intensitäts- und Trainingszonen präzise festgelegt. Im Gegensatz zur Laktatdiagnostik ist dieses Messverfahren mit einem höheren technischen und apparativen Aufwand verbunden und eignet sich vor allem für ambitionierte Sportler sowie Wettkampfsportler.
We offer various test methods for endurance diagnostics. Please inform yourself by phone about the exact content and procedure.
The bioelectric impedance method determines the resistance between of the flow of an AC current as it passes through two or more points on the body.
The body contains different types of tissues with differing levels of electrolytes. The BIA can measure the water content, metabolically active cell tissue and fat mass of the individual body compartments. A further advantage of this method is that it can also identify visceral adipose tissue.
Calipometry is a widespread method for ascertaining the amount of subcutaneous fat. Using calipers (pincers), technicians measure the thickness of skin folds at different parts of the body.
The basal metabolic rate, also known as your body’s metabolism, is the amount of energy (in calories) your body needs to keeping functioning at rest on a daily basis, in order to maintain its vital functions such as breathing, heartbeat and body temperature.
The amount of calories required varies from person to person. To measure an individual’s BMR, their respiratory behavior, oxygen uptake, is recorded through a mask as they lie down for approx. 15 minutes. This test is used for the basis of individualized nutritional plans and calorie intake guidelines – for weight loss, to prevent the individual from becoming overweight or to aid weight gain.
We offer different test procedures for strength diagnostics. For the exact content and process, please contact the respective center.
Core strength test
The core strength endurance test according to Swiss Olympic is a standardized strength test for the core muscles. It consists of three dynamic strength exercises performed using just the individual’s own body weight. This method is used to test and assess the strength of the anterior, lateral and posterior group of core muscles.
Weak core muscles negatively impact on the individual’s performance in numerous types of sports and are often also the cause of muscular imbalances as well as overstraining of the musculoskeletal system. The core muscles form an important component in the efficiency of athlete in numerous endurance and strength sports; they also contribute to the stability of the body and movement precision in many types of ball games, contact sports and martial arts.
Jump test
The standardize jump test according to Swiss Olympic provides accurate findings on the speed, jumping ability and endurance of the test person. The height and speed of the individual’s jumping capabilities can be precisely measured with the integration of the force-time record from a force platform, as other systems use the time in the air. In many types of sport, the jump test is used as the “data bearer values” and are often more useful than isolated strength tests as it tests the entire muscle group.
Isokinetic strength tests
Isokinetic strength measurements record the strength and performance of joints at specific angles. An important area in which such a test would be used is for the detection of muscle imbalances, for example in the knee, ankle or shoulder. These may not just hinder an individual's performance, it may also over strain their musculoskeletal system. If necessary, this can be counteracted with the appropriate training resources.
In addition to strength testing, isokinetics can also be used in isolated training; the option of eccentric training units for athletes is of particular interest.
The Medical Check Basic consists of a medical assessment of your personal state of health followed by a brief consultation review with a doctor and prevention adviser with the aim of optimizing your health in the future.
Appointment booking Medical Check Basic
Please make an appointment by telephone.
For whom is the Medical Check Basic suitable?
Younger people and people who have remained healthy and youthful, who would like to know their statistics so that they can remain healthy and active in the future.
Before the check-up
Once you have registered you will receive a health questionnaire. On the day of your check-up, we will provide you with a delicious breakfast after your blood samples have been taken.
Laboratory examination
Urinalysis, complete blood count (CBC), values for your liver, kidney, blood lipids and blood sugar levels, iron levels, uric acid, thyroid value, electrolytes, screening for inflammation parameters, PSA value for men under 45, colon cancer prevention for men and women over 50 or those at risk. HIV test on request (not included).
Medical examination
Anamnesis, physical examination, blood pressure and pulse, vaccination status.
Medical diagnostics
Anthropometric measurements (weight, size, BMI, waist circumference, body fat analysis), basal metabolism, resting ECG, exercise ECG with blood pressure.
Consultation and advice from the doctor
All medical examinations are reviewed with the doctor.
Prevention advice
Basic advice for a healthy and active lifestyle based on the patient’s blood values and tests conducted.
Short report
Lab values, overview of the findings relating to the patient’s health.
Approx. 2 hours in the morning and 1 hour in the afternoon.
If you have Helsana Primeo insurance, this extra is covered by your insurance. You can find more information about this at Helsana.
If you have Helsana insurance but not Primeo supplementary insurance, you can pay for this service directly and benefit from attractive conditions. Please contact your health insurance provider and inquire about other options.
If you have SWICA OPTIMA or COMPLETA PRAEVENTA insurance, this service is covered by your insurance. You can find more information about this at SWICA OPTIMA or SWICA PRAEVENTA.
Building on the endurance performance test (lactate level test) of the Sport Check-Up, the Sport Check-up plus focuses on athleticism.
In order to fully develop the full endurance capacity and to avoid overload of the locomotor system during extensive and intensive training, it is very important to include athletics in the training plan. In addition to the mobility of the main muscle groups, the Sport Check-Up Plus supplemented by the SwissOlympic core strength test provides a reliable basis for this.
Based on the determined parameters, the future training can be can be optimally planned and with consideration of the individual time resources.
Which tests are included in the Sport Check-Up Plus?
- Mobility test
- Straight leg raise test
- Thomas test
- Dorsal flexion
- SwissOlympic core strength test
- Lateral chain
- Ventral chain
- Dorsal chain
- Individual evaluation
- Individual training plan and exercise programme for 3 months based on the endurance and core strength test
If you have Helsana PRIMEO insurance, this extra is covered by your insurance. You can find more information about this at Helsana.
If you have Helsana insurance but not PRIMEO supplementary insurance, you can pay for this service directly and benefit from attractive conditions. Please contact your health insurance provider and inquire about other options.
Would you like to improve your health? Or perhaps you need treatment for an illness or an injury? With the staff at Hotel Säntispark and the Center for Medicine & Sport located in the hotel, you have access to an interdisciplinary team of specialists. The versatile and modern infrastructure of the Säntispark provides you with countless combination possibilities for interdisciplinary care in stamina training, recovery treatments and many more health-related requirements. The range of therapy programs on offer vary in their intensity and duration. The Hotel Säntispark meets all the criteria as a spa hotel and is therefore listed in the list of spa establishments used by the health insurance companies ("Verzeichnis der Kurhäuser für Krankenversicherer”).
A medical massage improves the blood circulation and metabolism and therefore reduces tension and pain in the muscles as well as the entire body. It improves the patient’s performance and regeneration, whilst simultaneously purifying and detoxing the body. Different manipulation techniques and intensities are applied to achieve the objectives.
Sports massage
A sports massage is a variation of the classic massage. It plays an important role in preparing for training and competitions, or after great physical exertion with the aim of restoring previous performance levels. The massage techniques are individually tailored to suit the athlete, i.e. His/her type of sport and his/her ultimate objective (stimulation, improved performance, regeneration, relaxation or injury prophylaxis).
Foot reflexology massage
The whole body is reflected in the feet. By massaging the pressure points, stimuli are sent directly to specific regions of the body, thus improving and stimulating organ function. The autonomic nervous system can alleviate pain such as headaches, menstrual cramps or digestive problems.
Connective tissue massage
The connective tissue massage is a neural therapy (alternative therapy). It acts on internal organs via the nervous system. The skin is segmentally connected to the internal organs through the nerves. Correspondingly, the nerves transmit stimuli that are placed on the skin to distant tissue/organs. These react to the received impulses. Connective tissue massage is mainly used for this purpose: Disturbances of tissue metabolism, rheumatic diseases, sciatica or migraine.
Trigger point therapy
TP therapy is used to target local cramps in the muscle tissue. It is often applied to ease painful conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system, headaches, injuries, susceptibility to injuries and to prevent discomfort.
Lymphatic drainage
The lymphatic system is stimulated through gentle, rhythmic and slow pumping manipulations (pressure), which promotes the drainage of lymphatic fluids from the tissue. Lymphatic drainage is used for swelling after an injury, surgery and congenital disorders of the lymphatic system. It is also used for certain types of headaches and migraines.
Price list (German)
The massage services can partly be billed via the additional insurance. Please check in advance whether your health insurance company accepts the therapist or treatment methods and covers the costs.
A sports massage supplements the classic and medical massage. The same manipulation techniques are used, such as stroking, kneading, circular frictions, etc. as well as some other techniques that are not used as often in classic massages (e.g. tapping, shaking motions, vibration)
With a sports massage a distinction is made between:
The period before the competition:
- A few days before (predominantly loosening up the frame, stretching, relaxing)
- Immediately before the performance (stimulating the blood circulation/frames, muscles, ligaments, tendons, skin, etc. through quick and hard manipulation techniques, mental preparation for performing)
During / in between competitions
- For example with athletics, swimming competitions, etc.
After the competition:
- Directly after performing
- A few days after the competition
The treatment is drawn up on an individual basis with the athlete tailored to the type of sport, the duration of the treatments and the respective objective.

Patrik Noack
Leiter Medical Center
Leiter Sportmedizin
Facharzt für Allgemeine Innere Medizin FMH
Sportmedizin SEMS
Manuelle Medizin SAMM
Abdomensonographie SGUM
Lehrarzt JMM Uni St. Gallen
Health Performance Officer Swiss Olympic Team, Chief Medical Officer Swiss Cycling und Swiss Athletics, Verbandsarzt Swiss Triathlon
German (Switzerland), English, French
Jacqueline Krane-Nuber
Stv. Leiterin Medical Center
Co-Leiterin Hausarztmedizin
Fachärztin für Allgemeine Innere Medizin FMH
Supervisorin Abdomensonographie
POCUS Basis-Notfall-Sonographie SGUM
Lehrärztin JMM Uni St. Gallen

Christina Marti-Camenzind
Stv. Leiterin Medical Center
Co-Leiterin Hausarztmedizin
Fachärztin für Allgemeine Innere Medizin FMH
Sportmedizin SEMS
Supervisorin Abdomensonographie
POCUS Basis-Notfall-Sonographie SGUM
Supervisor Point of Care-Ultraschall POCUS (SGUM)
Lehrärztin JMM Uni St. Gallen

Stephanie Intorp
Fachärztin für Allgemeine Innere Medizin FMH
Sportmedizin SEMS
Manuelle Medizin SAMM

Franz Lauener
Interventionelle Schmerztherapie
Manuelle Medizin

Margarete Maier-Wölfle
Endokrinologie-Diabetologie-Osteologie FMH
German (Switzerland), English, French
Daniela Marx Berger
Kinder- und Jugendmedizin FMH
Sportmedizin SEMS

Christoph Haller
Facharzt für Rheumatologie
German (Switzerland), English
Curriculum Vitae
Tätigkeitsschwerpunkte :
Interventionelle Schmerztherapie SSIPM, Ultraschall Bewegungsapparat SGUM

Franziska Rhomberg
Fachärztin für Kardiologie
Fachärztin für Allgemeine Innere Medizin
Sportmedizin SEMS
Sportkardiologie DGK
Diploma in Mountain Medicine ISMM
Abdomensonographie SGUM

Martina Zumstein
Fachärztin für Allgemeine Innere Medizin
German (Switzerland), English, Spanish, French

Leonie Kraus
Fachärztin Allgemeine Innere Medizin FMH
Sportmedizin SEMS
Manualmedizin SAMM CAS

Jonas Koch
Facharzt für Allgemeine Innere Medizin FMH
Sportmedizin i.A. SEMS
Sonographie SGUM
Diplom für Tropenmedizin & Hygiene DTMH

Nicole Schwan
Fachärztin für Allgemeine Innere Medizin
German (Switzerland)

Valeria Heller
Fachärztin für Allgemeine Innere Medizin
Sportmedizin SEMS

Delia Scherrer
German (Switzerland)

Lukas Zenger
Leiter Therapien
Dipl. Physiotherapeut HF
Sportphysiotherapeut SPT

Fabienne Schwizer
Dipl. Physiotherapeutin HF
Sportphysiotherapeutin SPT

Daniela Kreis
Dipl. Physiotherapeutin FH
Sportphysiotherapeutin SPT

Rahel Walser
Dipl. Physiotherapeutin FH
Sportphysiotherapeutin SPT

Petra Prader
Dipl. Physiotherapeutin HF
Sportphysiotherapeutin SPT
FDM Therapeutin

Samuel van Koppenhagen
Dipl. Physiotherapeut FH
Sportphysiotherapeut i. A.

Manuel Germann
Sportphysiotherapeut MSc.
Athletiktrainer swiss olympic
Medical Athletic Coach

Andreas Wolf
Dipl. Physiotherapeut
German (Switzerland)

Damian Neuländner
Dipl. Physiotherapeut FH
German (Switzerland)

Livia Strasser
German (Switzerland)

Rebekka Streller
Praktikantin Physiotherapie
German (Switzerland)

Alexandra Ulrich
Praktikantin Physiotherapie
German (Switzerland)

Manuel Germann
Sportphysiotherapeut MSc.
Athletiktrainer swiss olympic
Medical Athletic Coach

Georg Hasselmann
Leiter Leistungsdiagnostik
Sport- und Bewegungswissenschaftler MSc

Susanne Pflügler
Dipl. Physiotherapeutin

Gabriela Hefti
Ernährungsberaterin BSc BFH
CAS Sporternährung

Flavia Niederberger
Medizinische Praxisassistentin
German (Switzerland), English

Nadine Signer
Stv. Leitende Medizinische Praxisassistentin
German (Switzerland), English

Belinda Gantenbein
Medizinische Praxisassistentin
German (Switzerland), English

Chiara Pignitter
Medizinische Praxisassistentin
German (Switzerland), English, Rhaeto-Romance

Talina Wittenwiler
Medizinische Praxisassistentin
German (Switzerland), English

Thurika Veerasingam
Medizinische Praxisassistentin
German (Switzerland), English, Tamil

Simea Ledergerber
Medizinische Praxisassistentin

Alissa Speck
Medizinische Praxisassistentin
German (Switzerland)

Lisa Val
Medizinische Praxisassistentin
German (Switzerland)

Jane Hänggi
Medizinische Praxisassistentin
German (Switzerland), English

Danja Forrer
Medizinische Praxisassistentin
CCM Diabetes

Karin Morgenthaler
Medizinische Praxisassistentin
CCM Diabetes

Carina Keller
Medizinische Praxisassistentin
CCM Diabetes

Shirin Forrer
Medizinische Praxisassistentin
CCM Diabetes
CCM Wundbehandlung

Marianne Strübi
German (Switzerland), Italian

Barbara Früh
German (Switzerland)

Hazal Oezdogan
German (Switzerland), English

Ramona Thalmann
German (Switzerland)

Nicole Dobler-Merten
Sachbearbeiterin Rechnungswesen
German (Switzerland), English

Barbara Giger
Arztsekretärin Therapien
German (Switzerland)

Romana Bachmann
Administration Paramedizin
German (Switzerland), English

Justin Harrison
Lernender Medizinischer Praxisassistent
German (Switzerland), English, Spanish

Livia Thoma
Lernende Medizinische Praxisassistentin
German (Switzerland), English

Ronja Wein
Lernende Medizinische Praxisassistentin
German (Switzerland)

New offer: Filipino fighting arts
Filipino fighting arts encompass modern and effective self-defense methods, martial arts, and a fitness program individually tailored to you. The workout enables you to improve your stamina, mobility, speed, and stability.
Permanence now called Medbase Permanence Zurich main station
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Medbase, Hirslanden, Groupe Mutuel, Helsana, and SWICA launch a joint healthcare ecosystem
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- Zentrum für Medizin und Sport
- Orthopädie Rosenberg
- Hotel Säntispark
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- Kliniken Valens
- Empa
- Mental Drive
- Mental Training Marc Wetter
- bewegbar GmbH
- Appenzellerland Sport
- Kantonsspital St.Gallen
- Hochschulsport St.Gallen HSG
- Schule Gaiserwald
- Sportschule Appenzellerland AG
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